Now Streaming On Twitch
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Hello reader!
In correlation to my first post, found here, I am continuing my journey in exploring the things that I have been wanting to do but haven't due to fear or personal embarrassment. So today I am putting it out there that I am now streaming on Twitch! "Why, psykoticKitten! What are you streaming?" you may ask. I will tell you, kind reader! I am streaming gameplays. Yes, games. I love playing games! Especially puzzle, strategy, and adventure games. I wouldn't really call myself a gamer... so my channel will probably be very newbie-like. For example, my streams are supposed to be "recorded" and available to watch after streaming but so far they are only a few minutes long. Still gotta iron out some kinks I guess. But the point is... I'm going for it! If you are curious enough to check out my channel and possibly follow, venture over to this corner! If not, no bigs. It's just not your jam and jelly. And that is a-okay!
My love for games doesn't just stop at video games. I very much enjoy playing tabletop games as well. My current favorite, ironically enough, is Pandemic: Rapid Response. We bought it for my daughter as a birthday gift about a month ago (at her request) and have played it multiple times! [Whispers: We kind of changed the time rule from two minutes to three - don't judge.]
Interaction Time!
What are some things you have been wanting to try but haven't? What has been holding you back? What is something new you have tried in the past year? How did it make you feel? Do you like playing games? What kinds of games do you play? Leave comments but remember to be respectful.
As always, thanks for stopping by! See you in my next post!
Hello reader!
In correlation to my first post, found here, I am continuing my journey in exploring the things that I have been wanting to do but haven't due to fear or personal embarrassment. So today I am putting it out there that I am now streaming on Twitch! "Why, psykoticKitten! What are you streaming?" you may ask. I will tell you, kind reader! I am streaming gameplays. Yes, games. I love playing games! Especially puzzle, strategy, and adventure games. I wouldn't really call myself a gamer... so my channel will probably be very newbie-like. For example, my streams are supposed to be "recorded" and available to watch after streaming but so far they are only a few minutes long. Still gotta iron out some kinks I guess. But the point is... I'm going for it! If you are curious enough to check out my channel and possibly follow, venture over to this corner! If not, no bigs. It's just not your jam and jelly. And that is a-okay!
My love for games doesn't just stop at video games. I very much enjoy playing tabletop games as well. My current favorite, ironically enough, is Pandemic: Rapid Response. We bought it for my daughter as a birthday gift about a month ago (at her request) and have played it multiple times! [Whispers: We kind of changed the time rule from two minutes to three - don't judge.]
Interaction Time!
What are some things you have been wanting to try but haven't? What has been holding you back? What is something new you have tried in the past year? How did it make you feel? Do you like playing games? What kinds of games do you play? Leave comments but remember to be respectful.
As always, thanks for stopping by! See you in my next post!
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