Adventures in Bellydance

Hello readers!

Belly dance is an art form I have long yearned to welcome into my soul.  I have admired the dance genre since I was 17 and it never really went away.  It wasn't until the summer of 2019 that I decided to just go for it.  By this point, I had lost over 100 lbs and gained the confidence I needed to take that first step.  That in and of itself is a bit ironic being that belly dance is a style that does not discriminate against age or size.  And that is one of the many things I love about it.

There are many different styles within the belly dance community that I won't even pretend to know anything about.  I know that there is the traditional eastern style and the western style that is the parent style to what I am currently studying - Fusion.  And oh, my dear reader it goes even deeper than that.

I could totally go down the rabbit hole of research with belly dance but I really want this to be a chill post that marks the beginning of my adventures in belly dance.  Well, I guess technically it's the middle of my adventure... no... we'll stick with the beginning.

Apart from dancing for the love of it, I would love to be able to perform both live and on camera.  Freely.  *Sigh*  Goals.  With our current shared situation, I am taking my classes via Zoom provided by my wonderful instructor.  I also do independent practice using some techniques picked up from a Zoe Jakes DVD that I claimed from someone giving instructional DVDs away.  If you have a chance, look up Zoe Jakes.  She is pretty freakin' awesome.

I hope to, in some way, document my adventures in belly dance as I learn more about the art form.  There are so many things I want to learn and would like to do!  I may not have much experience with the style yet but I will say this.  Belly dance takes a lot of isolation, coordination, and a super amount of brainpower.  It's also great cardio!

I will definitely share more as I get more comfortable in my skin as a belly dancer.  And I will be glad to have you come along for the ride.

As always, thanks for stopping by!  See you in my next post!


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